How We Teach & Support
It’s the little things we do to support an individualised learning program that get us the big results
How we teach and support
Our entire teaching staff is dedicated to the detail and we want to ensure every child achieves to their own potential.
This means ensuring we have a robust system of teaching and support that not only caters to the average (or middle student) – but also the advanced student or the student that needs some extra support.
For learning to take place we need to ensure that every child feels safe, happy and confident within themselves – and so a huge emphasis is placed on a strong wellbeing and support program that achieves just that!
Additional Support
Mount Pleasant Primary School provides additional support in a range of ways. In every class at Mount Pleasant Primary School we have students who have extra learning needs. These students will have individual learning goals targeted to their own learning needs. They will also have Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) that will be discussed with parents outlining the steps and activities so that parents can also help their child achieve to their maximum potential. Students and families are then supported further with Student Support Groups (SSGS)meetings once a term.
We have intervention programs (Arts Intensives, Social Skills, Reading, Sounds Write) across the school for students who need support in both academic, social and emotional learning. These students work in small groups, with a specialist teacher trained to help support their learning needs.
Building Positive Relationships
Mount Pleasant Primary School has a Student Engagement Policy and is a School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB). SWPB to ensure student safety and the wellbeing of all pupils.
We believe that Mt Pleasant Primary School should be a happy learning environment for all of our students.
School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures. SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.
The School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is underpinned by the school’s values. At Mount Pleasant Primary School, our values are reflected in our everyday learning and are displayed and taught explicitly in all areas of the school.
When SWPBS supports schools, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
- increased respectful and positive behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
- a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance
We believe that every child has the right to learn and all students, teachers, families, parents and visitors are expected to:
– Treat others with respect in our words and our actions
– To allow others to work or play without disruption
– To enjoy a safe, clean and tidy learning environment
A copy of the Mount Pleasant Primary School Code of Conduct is distributed to parents and children on enrolment and also at the commencement of each year. Additional copies are available on request.
Whole School Events
At Mount Pleasant Primary School we understand and value the importance on connection and community. We work with families and students to develop whole school events that nurture our connections with families.
Some of the event we may hold are:
– Welcome BBQ
– School Concert
– Springs Arts Festival
– STEAM night
– Open evenings
– Stay late at school nights for students
During COVID we work especially hard to find creative ways to connect. Some of our Virtual School events have included:
- Whole School Movie Night
- Plant a Sunflower
- Welcome BBQ
- MPPS MasterChef Bake Off
- Virtual Book Week
- Virtual Story Telling by Ballarat Story Teller – Read by Renee – did you give the Harry Potter magic trick a go?
- Old World, New World, Other World Art Project
- The Rainbow Art Project
Remote Learning
– Education Support staff will call families to check in
– Teachers will provide daily Reading, Writing and Numearcy activities on SeeSaw
– Classes will have a daily Webex check in every morning
– Class teachers will provide a Webex timetable to families for small groups
– The school will provide hard copy learning packs and invitations to our Virtual Events
Student Leadership
At Mount Pleasant Primary School we recognise the leadership potential of every child. Whether leading class discussions, a trust exercise at camp, or a student group on an excursion , students are encouraged to discover and develop their capacity to lead.
Mount Pleasant Primary School has always fostered and developed leadership opportunities for all students. Every program is designed to develop students’ confidence and sense of responsibility, their organisational skills and commitment to goals, so that all students may experience elements of leadership. Students are given opportunities to share leadership roles as part of our Senior Leadership Team and Student Representative Council.
Kinder to Foundation Transition
Thank you for considering Mount Pleasant Primary School for your child’s education. We understand how big the transition from Kinder to school is for students and families. Mount Pleasant Primary School sets high academic and behaviour standards for our children. We believe our core work is empowering our student to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. As parents, you are an important part of our learning community and a vital influence on your child’s education. We believe working in partnership for student achievement and developing a life long love of learning. We look forward in partnership with you to support and guide your child’s learning journey.
Our Foundation Transition Program aims to get children and parents familiar with our school facilities, meet the Foundation teachers and experience fun, engaging learning activities that introduce them to the environment and structure of school.
Please Note: dates are subject to change according to the department of Education Guidelines in relation to COVID 19 Restrictions.
TRANSITION Days for students starting in 2023 will be emailed to families once enrolment is confirmed.
Our school is zoned. We take students in our zone and siblings first. Other enrolments are at the discretion of the Principal. We recommend having enrolment confirmed as soon as possible by returning all applicable forms.
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
At Mount Pleasant Primary School we acknowledge that students at all levels need to feel safe and secure in their learning environment in order to learn effectively. We recognise the challenges associated with moving from Year 6 to Year 7.
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable movement for students and families out of our school, through the provision of appropriate transition program, our school will:
– develop and maintain strong links between local secondary schools as part of the transition process
– follow the enrolment process and current procedures as detailed by the Department of Education and Training
– provide time for transition co-ordinators from both government and non-government secondary colleges – to meet with their future students and their Year 6 teachers upon request
– complete relevant documentation of student information for future secondary schools
– provide information about secondary school information nights and visits to parents / carers
– provide opportunities for students to visit their future secondary school.
Moving Schools
At Mount Pleasant Primary School we regularly welcome students into our school at levels other than Foundation. We understand the importance of a smooth transition in order for a new student to feel safe, supported and welcome!
– Families are always encouraged to take an extensive tour of our school to visit our learning spaces, meet our teachers and see learning in action. They are also welcome to contact the school at any time for further information.
– We can tailor a transition program to suit the needs of the student, including spending time in a learning space prior to beginning a new school year.
– We encourage families to work in partnership with us from day one, sharing any information that will assist in meeting the needs of the individual student.
We invite families to have look at and follow our social media to get a good feel of the daily happenings of school life at Mount Pleasant Primary School
Instagram @mountpleasantprimaryschool
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A Community Resource by Mount Pleasant Primary School
One of the foundations of strong communities with healthy people (both mind and body) is access to education.
This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages that we feel will have a direct and positive impact on our community.
Something in here for all ages
A Word From Our Parents
Mount Pleasant Primary is not only a beautiful School to look at it and a great Community to be a part of. I have found the teachers to be very passionate and dedicated in engaging the students and always strive to help each individual child to be their personal best.
The curriculum is well balanced and values creativity and student agency.
Kate Robinson is a wonderful leader, innovative role model and I could not wish for a better Principal.

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