Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) Taking Out The Trash One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that it will clear your mind of any thoughts and negative memories.
Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The End of Emotions Research says that there are 35,000 different emotions, and each is unique. If we embody emotions and so many, how would we cope wit...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors)Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Finger Labyrinth – A Mindfulness Activity Using your fingers to wind through the labyrinth, you will discover the relaxing effect this fun activity will have on you. Using th...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Iceman Just like when we thought the world was flat and we were the centre of the universe, we now are learning that the power of intention...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Intelligent Breath The way we breathe gives away a lot about how we think and feel and also how we live our lives, a representation of our subconscious...
Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Intelligent Breath: Part 1 You see our breath is a very powerful indicator of how we feel and how we function and in fact it is said, ‘the quality of the breat...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsGuided Meditations & Yoga Sequences (Guest Contributors) The Nature of Sound – A Guided Meditation Mother Nature, in all her wisdom, provides us with everything we need to grow and thrive. The sounds made by the natural world are t...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Philosophy Of Mind Coming to realise that the thoughts in your head are not really your own and that they exist as a never-ending stream of consciousne...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Reasons Why Whatever your reasons for taking the practice of meditation - whether it be to master your mind or heal the body - the success lies...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Simple Things Happiness is interpretive, but collectively people describe it as a sense of peace and acceptance of themselves, the world around th...